
Welcome to the Learning Resources Centre at CUQ Ulster University, Qatar.


The CUQ’s library is well equipped with the right facilities, services and resources to serve the needs of the students and faculty. The library contains sufficient study space and fully functional computer stations, group workspace, study cubicles and a seating area for leisure reading. Innovative and advanced IT equipment is available to fulfil the requirements of both educational programs and CUQ administrative services. Research facilities and information system equipment are available to support students performing research in relevant fields.


The specialised library collection consists of books covering areas of Business, Management, Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Research methods, Education, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Computing to support the programme delivered. The collection is expanding to accommodate materials in Psychology, Architecture, Law, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. There is a dedicated section on Business in Arabic language, reference materials as well as leisure reading.

E-access has been provided by the affiliated institutions. Ulster University provides sufficient access to online databases.
Please refer to for the full list of online databases. Pearson’s website equally provides access to online articles, audio-visual e-content and core textbooks. Please refer to
As part of library services, CUQ Ulster provides regular library workshops to train students on information literacy on strategically chosen topics such as credibility of information, website evaluation, Ulster online database search, Pearson’s HN Global platform and subject specific database search. The CUQ Ulster library offers Harvard Referencing services, Academic writing skills, finding articles and books, evaluating credible sources, reference lists, printing services and other reference inquiries.
CUQ Ulster follows the access in compliance to Ulster University e-services which align with ISO international standards on operational processes. The internationally recognized standard is awarded by an independent external certification body and re-assessed each year. See Ulster University policies on their official website. For our local CUQ Ulster library, we have a well-detailed library policy which is reviewed annually. The CUQ Ulster library is run by a qualified librarian with an ALA-accredited Master's Degree in Library and Information Studies awarded by University College London.
As part of library services, CUQ Ulster provides regular library workshops to train students on information literacy. The CUQ Ulster library has a strategic approach in the gradual development of information literacy skills. Starting from inductions, students are made aware of the access they have depending on which programs they have enrolled (BTEC/Ulster). Furthermore, all students have regular practical library sessions on strategically chosen topics such as credibility of information, website evaluation, Ulster online database search, Pearson’s HN Global platform and subject specific database search. Prior the assessment period the librarian makes sure to deliver sessions on plagiarism and Harvard referencing. In addition, CUQ Ulster students are exposed to complimentary sessions on how to use Google scholar, how to find local information using QNL’s website, academic writing skills and other digital skills sessions.

Learning Resource Centre

CUQ Ulster University Qatar fosters a learning environment and ensures that all needs of students are met. We offer a specialised collection to support your learning journey, in addition access to Ulster University Online Resources and Pearson’s Learning Zone resources.

Whether you decide to study in groups or alone, work or relax, our library is thoughtfully designed to suit different users’ needs. Our personalised support to students is what makes us unique. We offer support with referencing, accessing various databases, VLE related inquiries and other digital literacy skills.


Our Services

We provide you with the following services:

  • PC Stations
  • Projector
  • Printer
  • Personalised support
  • Assignment/Referencing support
  • Digital literacy Workshops