Our Vision & Mission
CU Ulster University is a modern and dynamic university based in Qatar, offering UK undergraduate and postgraduate degrees awarded by Ulster University.
Deliver world-class, internationally recognised education programmes that meet the current and future needs of the society.
Provide a state of the art conducive learning environment that promotes creativity and innovation.
Engage with our industry stakeholders/partners to develop entrepreneurship skills and employment opportunities.
Promote a research culture and dissemination of knowledge for a sustainable society.
To be a world class institution of higher education that cultivates knowledge, nurtures creativity, entrepreneurship and research for the holistic and sustainable development of the society.
We believe in education for all and as such are proud to be a learning organization that provides a wide range of entry points and flexible delivery options.
We believe in investing in quality to bring about sustainable growth.
We believe that by working as one we will achieve our long-term aims and ambitions.
We believe that working in partnership brings benefits for all.
We believe that every learner should leave with the skills, knowledge, and self-confidence to take advantage of career and personal opportunities in the future.