This Master’s programme aims to equip students with the skills needed to succeed in their choice of a career in professional marketing.
•A Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 2.8 GPA
•IELTS 6.0 with no less than 5.5 in any one band or
equivalent such as the Ulster University Password
English Placement Test
•If you don’t meet these requirements, the university offers
support programmes to enhance your English and
academic skills
The course is modular in design with students undertaking 8 modules in total to obtain an MSc Marketing degree. Students will normally study 2 modules across 2 semesters in the first year and across 3 semesters in the second year, with the Applied Marketing Project being undertaken across semesters 2 and 3 of the second year. The programme consists of 7 modules, each worth 20 credit points and an Applied Marketing Project module worth 40 credit points (total 180 credits). You will study for up to 6 hours per week plus additional independent study.
•Marketing Management (20 credits)
•Foundations in Management (20 credits)
•Project Management (20 credits)
•Strategic and Applied Digital Marketing (20 credits)
•Global Marketing (20 credits)
•Marketing Analytics (20 credits)
•Sustainability Marketing (20 credits)
•Applied Marketing Projects (40 credits)