
This disclaimer is to set the terms of use for this website and any associated subscriptions. By logging onto this website you accept all terms and conditions contained herein. This disclaimer covers all aspects of training and other services provided by City University College.


Any content on the City University College website is deemed proprietary and the rights are owned by Artan Consulting and Educational Services LLC. Content, materials and other information provided on the website is for reference and information purposes only. You may only download or print content from the website for your personal use.


City University College provides no authorisation, expressed or implied, to process, reproduce, duplicate, sell, license or publish any information, content or materials gathered via access to the website.


Links provided on the website may lead to websites not controlled by City University College. Such links are provided for your convenience only and, to this extent, City University College shall not be assumed to have recommended such link(s), or be held liable for any link(s) connected to the website(s). Users are advised to reasonably exercise caution when using such links.


You hereby acknowledge that data transmission via the internet cannot be guaranteed as being totally secure. For this reason, City University College shall not accept any liability to warrant or guarantee the secure transmission of data via the Internet.


The information and content(s) of the website is generic. The owners and copyright holders shall not be held liable for the completeness, correctness or accuracy of any information or content of the website or to suitability of the information provided.


By using or logging into the website, you accept responsibility to ensure that any product, service or information provided on the website is suitable for your needs and meet your requirements or expectations. Any additional inquiries or information regarding City University College services should be submitted to the following address: Administrative Secretary, City University College, Barwa Commercial Avenue, Building 39, PO Box 200197, Doha, Qatar.


To use any website online services, you should create an online account and receive a password (‘account information’). Once account creation has been confirmed, you shall be considered a City University College subscriber.


By becoming a subscriber, you hereby irrevocably accept the responsibility to secure and preserve all information related to your account and not to disclose your username or password to any third party. Any loss, disclosure or alteration of your user information should be immediately reported in writing to the following address: The Administrative Secretary, Barwa Commercial Avenue, Building 39, PO Box 200197, Doha, Qatar.


City University College shall not, by any means, be held liable for any unreported loss, alteration or disclosure of your account information. By using the website, or by subscribing to any of its online services, you hereby authorise City University College to process, copy, send, backup or, store your data and information on its database; share and use such information and data for purposes of training, educational and relevant marketing services, surveys and analysis.


You also hereby authorise City University College to directly provide you with advertisements, news updates and any other associated marketing services by means of the information you provided. You may request City University College to limit promotions to selected services or products by sending your request to the following address: The Administrative Secretary, Barwa Commercial Avenue, Building 39, PO Box 200197, Doha, Qatar.


You hereby authorise City University College to keep your information stored on its database for a period of not less than (1) year from receipt or collection date. If you are a City University College subscriber, your data and information shall be stored for not less than (1) year from the date of ending or cancelling your subscription. You may contact us regarding the status of your information held, and/or request City University College at any time to update, erase or remove your information from its database by sending a request to the following address: Administrative Secretary, Barwa Commercial Avenue, Building 39, PO Box 200197, Doha, Qatar.


City University College shall not be held liable for or towards any sensitive data you may provide or share that was not expressly required by City University College. Sensitive data can include any information or data related to children under the age of 18, criminal records, sex, religion, or ethnicity (‘sensitive information’). Any breach of terms contained herein or unlawful usage or access to the website and its services is subject to incrimination under Qatari Laws.


Privacy Statement:


Information and data gathered, collected or received by City University College, in any electronic form, shall be kept in the strictest privacy and used only for the purposes provided for in the website disclaimer. Access, processing and usage of such information and data is limited to City University College agents, staff, partners and other associates only; except otherwise required under applicable laws. City University College shall endeavour to preserve such privacy by implementing all reasonable monitoring and security measures. To this extent, no sharing, usage or other processing activities are assumed to be authorised by City University College.


Any conduct, whether by action or omission, that may lead to a breach, or inflict harm upon the privacy or security of the City University College website or associated databases will be penalised under the criminal laws of Qatar.


The user or subscriber hereby agrees to indemnify and hold City University College, its staff, agents, partners and other associates harmless for and against any direct or indirect claims that may arise due to such user or subscriber breaching the terms contained here.