BTEC Higher National Diploma

The BTEC HND courses offered by City University Qatar are designed to cater to students who seek the applied learning approach, preparing them to go directly into the workforce after graduation.

BTEC HND in Business

BTEC Higher National Diploma
2 years

Join the world of business and be enthused by some influential industry minds!

This course prepares you for a career in business management by providing you with the most relevant career-related content, where you learn, practice and get work-ready. It develops and enhances the range of your personal, cognitive, commercial and interpersonal transferable skills that are vital to a successful performance in the workplace.

Each unit has a clear purpose: to cater for the increasing need for high quality professional and technical education pathways at levels 4 and 5, providing students with a clear line of sight to employment or progression to a degree at level 6.

Each pathway consists of a total of 120 credits at level 5, delivered via core, specialist and optional units.

BTEC HND in Computing with Cybersecurity

BTEC Higher National Diploma
Part-time or Full-time
1-2 years

Foster multidisciplinary and global perspectives in cybersecurity. Cultivate a commitment to lifelong learning and personal growth. Enhance analytical and problem-solving skills.

Experience the opportunity to investigate the wide reaching influences that computers and digital technologies have on the world, make your own contributions and find your place in this fast-growing sector!

This course is intended to help students better understand cyber threats and vulnerabilities, as well as cyber defense methods and incident response procedures. Students will learn both timeless concepts and the most recent developments in the fields of theory, jargon, models, and fortification. In this activity, students will look at the nature of threats, who might be affected by them, and what everyone has to do to keep cyberspace safe.

Information assurance responsibilities and roles will be discussed, along with the dynamics of cybercrime and cyber threat actors. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure will be looked at to find threats and weaknesses that could be fixed with strategic measures.